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UEFA Grassroots Week 2024: Celebrating football for everyone

Football de base

UEFA Grassroots Week celebrates all that the game brings to people around Europe and pays homage to the people that make it accessible and enjoyable for all.

UEFA Grassroots Week is an annual celebration of grassroots football and its priceless contribution to the sport.

Taking place every September alongside the European Commission’s European Week of Sport, we use the week to promote participation in all forms of football and highlight inspirational projects across the continent.

The 2024 edition of UEFA Grassroots Week will explore stories from all areas of the game, from celebrating the contribution of the grassroots heroes who help make football accessible to all, to elite coaches sharing their advice for grassroots coaches, to European referees’ journeys to the top of the game.

The importance of grassroots

Grassroots football is the foundation of our sport, making the game accessible to billions around the world.

A key part of the football ecosystem, grassroots football plays a vital role across Europe, teaching positive values, promoting healthier lifestyles, uniting communities and creating personal development opportunities.

It also allows UEFA and national associations to connect with regional and local communities, build relationships with stakeholders and fortify links with non-governmental organisations and public authorities.

With these strong foundations, more players across Europe have the opportunity to enjoy the game, surrounded by strong support networks as they develop their skills.

UEFA Grassroots Awards

Another major event in the grassroots calendar is the UEFA Grassroots Awards, which recognises leaders, clubs and projects throughout Europe for their contribution to grassroots football. Announced in April, the winners of the UEFA Grassroots Awards 2023/24 were:

Best participation initiative: Kazakhstan Football Federation

Best education initiative: Calcio+15 via the Italian Football Federation

Best disability initiative: English Football Association

Best amateur club: GOALS – the Girls of Armenia Leadership Sports Educational Foundation

Best professional football club: FC DAC 1904

The KFF project won best participation initiative at the UEFA Grassroots Awards 2024
The KFF project won best participation initiative at the UEFA Grassroots Awards 2024

EA Sports FC became the official partner for the UEFA Grassroots Awards in 2023/24, supporting each winner with €10,000 each to contribute further to the projects and work being carried out.

Professional and elite-level football wouldn’t be possible without grassroots football to support it, and UEFA Grassroots Week 2024 promises to be a celebration of everything that makes the game great.

Find out more about UEFA's grassroots work, programmes, and partnerships.

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