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Blessures au genou

Les genoux des joueurs tremblent à l'annonce d'une blessure à cette articulation... Décryptage.

Blessures au genou
Blessures au genou ©UEFA.com


10-52 weeks,10-52 weeks,10-52 weeks,10-52 weeks



Over-straightening, rotation, twisting, tackles,Over-straightening, rotation, twisting, tackles,Over-straightening, rotation, twisting, tackles,Over-straightening, rotation, twisting, tackles

There are four ligaments in each knee, two cruciate ones at the front and back and collaterals on each side, with lesions occurring in any them if the knee is over-straightened. Damage to the anterior (front) cruciate ligament is the most serious and although the success rate for surgery is high and the player can soon be walking, it can take five to 12 months before they are back in training and running again.,There are four ligaments in each knee, two cruciate ones at the front and back and collaterals on each side, with lesions occurring in any them if the knee is over-straightened. Damage to the anterior (front) cruciate ligament is the most serious and although the success rate for surgery is high and the player can soon be walking, it can take five to 12 months before they are back in training and running again.,There are four ligaments in each knee, two cruciate ones at the front and back and collaterals on each side, with lesions occurring in any them if the knee is over-straightened. Damage to the anterior (front) cruciate ligament is the most serious and although the success rate for surgery is high and the player can soon be walking, it can take five to 12 months before they are back in training and running again.,There are four ligaments in each knee, two cruciate ones at the front and back and collaterals on each side, with lesions occurring in any them if the knee is over-straightened. Damage to the anterior (front) cruciate ligament is the most serious and although the success rate for surgery is high and the player can soon be walking, it can take five to 12 months before they are back in training and running again.


10 à 52 semaines



Effort exagéré, rotation, torsion, tacles

Chaque genou contient quatre ligaments : deux ligaments croisés (antérieur et postérieur) et un latéral de chaque côté, qui peuvent subir des lésions en cas d'effort exagéré du genou. La plus sérieuse des blessures touche le ligament croisé antérieur (de devant), et même si le taux de réussite de l'opération est élevé et que le joueur peut rapidement marcher de nouveau, il doit patienter de 5 à 12 mois avant de pouvoir retrouver l'entraînement et courir.

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